  • 14 unique step-by-step recipes
  • Shelf life and nutritional value
  • Photos of the ready-made dragées
€40 /
Additional Dragéeland recipe book
14 unique step-by-step recipes
This PDF book includes 14 recipes not found in the primary Dragéeland cookbook. Within, you'll discover detailed descriptions of the dragée cooking process, its unique characteristics, shelf life, and photos of the finished dragée. This book is perfect for those looking to quickly introduce a new product to their lineup.
Shelf life and nutritional value
Each recipe is accompanied by a table detailing the dragée's shelf life at specific temperatures, as well as its caloric value, protein, fat, and carbohydrate content.
photos of the ready-made dragees
To get a preview of the dragees you will be making and the expected results, photos of the finished dragees are provided with each recipe.
  • Hazelnut-lime dragée
  • Blueberry dragée
  • Milk-caramel dragée
  • Pistachio dragée
  • Praline pearls
  • Raisin-raspberry-blackcurrant dragée
  • Dark hazelnut dragée
  • Mint almond dragée
  • Poppy seed almond dragée
  • Strawberry dragée
  • Pecan-coffee dragée
  • Raspberry-ruby dragée
  • Coconut dragée
  • Sesame cubes
Cost of an Additional recipe book
€40 /
  • 14 unique step-by-step recipes
  • Shelf life and nutritional value
  • Photos of the ready-made dragées
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