Professional online course about eclairs and choux pastry. In 30 lessons learn how to make all types of choux pastry at any production.
The course taught by Alexandr Donskov
Program of the course
Choux pastry basics.
3 different recipes.
Baking in:
-home oven
-convection oven
-deck oven.

Options for small or home production.
Options for big pastry production.
-Recipe book
-FAQ book
-Problem & solution book.

Week 1
Classic shape eclairs.
-Vanilla eclair
-Toffee eclair
-Raspberry eclair
-Lemon eclair
-Sakura eclair
-Banana eclair
-Cranberry eclair
-Tiramisu eclair
-Peanut eclair
Top decorated opened eclairs.
-Berry eclair
-Mango eclair
-Chocolate cookie eclair

Week 2
-Lavender & apricot eclair
-"Camus" eclair
-Apple eclair
-Cream brûlée eclair
-Millefeuille eclair
-Macaron eclair
-"Fox" kid's eclair

Choux pastry with "ring" shape
-"Paris-Brest" ring
-Raspberry ring

Week 3
Chocolate decoration
-Tempering of chocolate
-Transfer sheets & other techniques

Choux & chouquettes
-Vanilla chouquettes
-Choux with nuts

Moulded eclairs & eclairs with
"Unusual shape"
-Eclair "Drop"
-Eclair Tart
-Eclair Sakura
Week 4
Can you guess what next additional lessons are going to be?
fruits, jars
Jam recipe calculation
Red fruit jams
Garden fruit
Jams with nuts
and spices
Candied fruit
Citrus fruit jams
Exotic fruits jam
Fruit puree based jams
Vegetable jams
Low sugar and sugar free jams
Fruit jellies
Water-based spreads
Fat-based spreads
Fat based without
stone grinder
Who is this for & where to use.
Shop owners
& entrepreneurs
Impress your customers with new product offerings and learn efficient ways to product profitable items.
Pastry chefs
Improve your career prospects with unique and sort after skills. No matter where are you working – pastry or chocolate production, bakery or restaurant.
Home production
& Startups
Supercharge your growth with innovative new products you can make at home or in a small production environment.
In the Flashland box:
Faster than others
Don’t waste your time on searching for any information, equipment or ingredients. Everything has already been found. Just watch the course and apply what you’ve learned immediately. Be faster.
Every type of everything
In this class we cover all types of “jar” products. The course deals with all kinds of jams (also known as confitures), water based spreads, fat based spreads, condensed milk, dulce de leche, low sugar jams, sugar free jams, candied citrus peels, fruit and vegetable jellies (also known as pate de fruit).
Production and home kitchen
This course is suitable for all kitchen settings, just have everything you need at hand. Don’t be surprised if you can put everything out on just one table. It doesn’t mean that your home kettle and microwave will be enough. We mean that the equipment is small, but has nothing to do with your home stuff. Anyway, at LANDBOX we don’t hate you and you will find all the links to the required stuff in the course. Don’t waste your time on searching. Again.
Save your time and money
Each step has been tested, the mistakes made and the ingredients checked. To complete the program of the course Vlad spent 10.000 € and 2 years. Would you like to be in his shoes? I am not sure. 2 months sounds much better!
Step by step
Vlad’s 8 years of experience in pastry helped apply the principle proceeding from the simple to the complex. Each step is extremely detailed. You will even learn how to dice fruits! Still not sure that everything is explained stepby step? Come on!
The one and only on-line course in the world
Sounds astonishing, right? You might try to find something, but everything that we’ve packed LANDBOX with can’t be found anywhere.
Use or create
First thing first, you will learn how to create your own recipes — in this case your creations are unlimited, but if you are a busy person and you have no time to create? No problem, feel free to use what we’re creating in the course as a ready-made solution. So easy, it feels like cheating – just take and use.
Great Shelf Life
Each recipe has a minimum shelf life from 2 months, with many lasting up to 12 months.
Business Focused
Created specifically with business owners in mind, expand your product offering and refine your production for profit.
Stress Free Set Up
The course comes with ingredient and equipment recommendations for easy work. Don’t have something on the list? We’ll show you easy swaps.
Course author
Hi! I am Alexandre Donskov, the author of Flashland. I have been making eclairs for more than 6 years and now I am happy to introduce you my online course about eclairs. But first of all, let me tell you my story. I started my pastry career in 2014. I read a lot of pastry books, I took master-classes and then practiced.
In December 2015 my wife, a few friends and I launched the very first eclair shop in our city. We started in very small kitchen with an oven for 20 eclairs. Later in April 2016 we moved to a 40-m2 shop. And later in 2017, we already worked in a 85-m2. In the same year I started teaching my own master-classes.
By that time 10 people had worked in the production. At the end of 2018 we finished a brand-new 330-m2 shop and produced 1000 eclairs daily. Now we have more than 40 employees. And we’ve already made more than 1,5 million eclairs!
I hope and believe that you can also rise to your heights. Good luck and welcome to Flashland!

Flashland is online course about eclairs & all types of choux pastry.
In 30 lessons you’ll learn how to create all the varieties of eclairs and choux pastry, from scratch. You will be able to apply all knowledge to any type & size of production. Learn how to make standard batch of choux pastry in small planetary mixer for You will understand the interconnection between different dragees and their shelf life.
Apply the information and techniques that you’ll discover in your production, shop or business immediately.
All our courses include
Unlimited Chef
Support & FAQs
We are already aware of your questions, that’s why each lesson goes with FAQ. Don’t worry if you couldn’t find an answer to the question. Our technical support takes care of your needs 24/7. The Chef will always
answer your questions.
PDF’s with recipes
for every lesson
All of them are easy to download. 
We’ve done our best to make them
as cool as possible. =)
Optional Certificate
of Completion
Are you dreaming of getting a certificate of completion? No problem. Just complete the home assignments and then bob’s your uncle! Keep in mind, we aren’t pushing you 
to do that — totally up to you.
Great Value
for Money
We guarantee that the information and techniques learned during the courses are 100% life-related and can be directly applied to either production, shop or business. 
Spend your money now, and earn more later. Invest in the future like a real investor.
Regular updates
every year
We add new lessons to our courses yearly, based on participant feedback and product innovations. And of course, participants new and old will receive any updates!
Account Access
It’s only yours and nobody’s else.
Keep your courses organised in your
personal BOX.
Flashland explained in 100 seconds.

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